A Summer Dress

It's surprising how much is packed into this short film.

While on a beach after a nude swim, a young man is approached by a girl seeking a light for her cigarette, they end up making love in the woods nearby. But as all his clothes are stolen, he asks for her dress so he can go home.

Once at his house, he looks at his boyfriend: 'do I look like a pretty girl?'.

An interesting look at the young bisexual life of 90's France.

This movie was written and produced by François Ozon, whose filmography is huge and carries many awards.

A Summer Dress gay short film - The gay movie catalog

Gay Short Movie - A Summer Dress (1996)
Original Title: Une robe d'été
Country: France
Year: 1996
Cast: Frédéric Mangenot, Lucia Sanchez, Sébastien Charles