
Julio (Axel Arenas) is an army recruit heading off to duty that week. He is getting his haircut at a barbershop where the young Carlos (Benny Emmanuel) works for his Godfather. The guys exchange a meaningful glance as Julio leaves, which may be why the recruit returns as Julio is closing up for the night and the Independence Day holiday.

Julio requests a shave from Carlos, and the way the young barber touches his client’s face is highly erotic. Shortly thereafter, the guys are dancing shirtless in the shop, which delights and surprises both of them. “Trémulo” eventually takes a dramatic turn, but it is to Fiesco’s credit that his short both melts and breaks viewers’ hearts. The filmmaker moves his camera around the shop, framing the attractive actors, using the glass and mirrors, and music to convey incredible emotion.

The film’s end is incredibly powerful.

This movie was featured in the DVD Mexican Men. Enjoy!

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Gay Short Movie - Trembling ('2015')
Original Title: TRÉMULO
Country: Mexico
Year: '2015'
Cast: 'Axel Arenas, Benny Emmanuel'